October 23, 2011

The Church Brew Works - Pipe Organ Pale Ale

The next beer in our sample was the Pipe Organ Pale Ale. (Unfortunately, we were there at night and the lighting wasn't the best for taking pictures.) This is brewed with English pale malt that is balanced with "only the best" English hops - East Kent Goldings. It is 13.0°P, 30 IBUs, and 4.5% ABV.

Overall average rating: 6.5/10

The appearance is a cloudy and translucent slightly unfiltered amber/copper color. It has a distinct bubble gum aroma, as well as hops. Chris detects a little malt, while Shawn notices a hint of nutmeg. There is a side tongue bite, as it has a hoppy start yet a smooth finish.. still with a bubble gummy taste.

Shawn- There is definitely a bubble gum taste, but each time you sip it, you taste additional flavors, 7/10.
Angela- It is a very unique beer - the aroma and taste reminds me of Pink Bubbalicious. Because of that flavor, however, it is not something I personally could drink often, 5.5/10.
Chris- I really enjoy the way it evolves in your mouth. The layers of flavor are fantastic, 7/10.

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