"highly refreshing on a beautiful fall day!"
Our ninth beer in the progression is the Pearl Street Wheat, which is 5.5% ABV.
"If you've ever spent time in a German beer garde, you know how much they love their wheat beer. Our Bavarian style Hefeweizen is a satisfying blend of sweet wheat and pale malts, clove and banana aromatics, and the zesty tang of wheat beer yeast."
Overall average rating: 5.8/10
This is a translucent yellow beer, reminiscent of lemonade or a shandy. There is a lot of wheat in the aroma, the guys detect two different kinds. The taste is a summery wheat/lemony beer.
Shawn- This reminds me of Leinenkugel Summer Shandy, but more hoppy. It's hard to rate this higher because it's a summer beer and it's snowing outside, 4/10.
Angela- This is a good summertime beer - a lawnmower beer, really. It is light and refreshing, perfect hot weather beer, 6/10.
Chris- In comparison with a German Hefeweizen, this is a really wheaty summer ale, 7.5/10.