November 29, 2011

Market Garden Brewery - St. Emeric's Stout

"a little Cleveland religion"

Our fifth beer is the St. Emeric's Stout, which is 4.0% ABV.

"Named for the church located behind us on West 24th Street. Black, roasty and dry but velvety smooth at the same time. Tis always darkest before the dawn. Contrary to most American heavy and robust stouts, our version is lighter in body with a dry finish."

Overall average rating: 6.6/10

This opaque and black beer gives off aromas of wheat, chocolate (more than in the taste), malt, and a touch of coffee. There is more coffee in the taste than in the smell, and it is thin and not coating. There is a hop finish with side and back tongue bite.

Shawn- I find this to be really thin for a stout; it reminds me somewhat of Buffalo Sweat. The flavors are crisp but don't culminate into anything, 6/10.
Angela- I get a pretty decent roasty chocolate, malty, coffee flavor. It is a very drinkable beer for me, although I wish it was a bit heavier, 7.25/10.
Chris- It's not memorable but it's not bad. It needs a lot more body, and I think it's more of a dark ale than a stout, 6.5/10.

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