November 13, 2011

Otter Creek Stovepipe Porter

Next on our porter journey is Otter Creek Stovepipe Porter purchased at Vintage Estates.

"Brimming with dark roasted malts and a generous amount of American hops, Stovepipe Porter features a rich and complex flavor profile. It is well-hopped with a rich palate, deep color, and slightly herbal aroma." It can be paired with barbecue, beef, smoked and grilled meats, stews, blackened fish, chocolate, smoked Gouda and Gruyere cheeses. It has 28 IBUs and is 4.4% ABV.

Overall average rating: 6.9/10

This is almost opaque and pours a dark, rich brownish red color. It has a creamy off white head with a lot of lacing. The aroma reminds the guys of Troegs Mad Elf because of the cherry scent they get along with banana. The taste gives off malt and a chocolate/cherry finish. It is thin and smooth, like a black IPA. There is also a coffee/chocolate taste when you exhale.

Shawn- This might be the most interesting, unexpected beer I've ever had in my life. The nose isn't great (you really have to sniff for it), but the flavor is remarkable. As it develops in your outh it becomes more like 3 beers in 1, 8/10.
Angela- This is drinkable, though not very thick. I still enjoy that we are having porters that aren't predominantly coffee and chocolate in flavor, 7.5/10.
Chris- The nose is subtle and not really a beer smell. It is a flavorful porter with a cherry/banana taste in the middle, 8/10.

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