November 15, 2011

Arcadia Ales - London-Style Porter

Our next porter is Arcadia Ales London-Style Porter purchased at Vintage Estates.

I had a hard time finding a direct link to this beer. All I could find was this article from We really like the label, particularly the Union Jack bar sign that says Churchill's. It is 7% ABV.

Overall average rating: 6.0/10

It pours opaque with an off-white carbonated head that leaves good lacing on the glass. The aroma is  rich, with dark roasted malt and coffee essences with an additional sweet scent, maybe molasses and black cherry. The taste is thin, with a light cherry flavor. It has a front tongue bite with a linger on the side and a touch of bite on the back of the tongue.

Shawn- This reminds me more of a black IPA* than a porter. I would have liked it better had there been less hop and it had followed the fruit flavor, 5.5/10.
Angela- This is interesting with the cherry/hoppy flavors together. I expected a lot more of the rich coffee/chocolate flavors because of how it smelled, but I was pleasantly surprised, 6.5/10.
Chris- This is hoppy for a porter, although the flavor fades fast; I'd say it's a black pale ale at best. It is traditional for an American-style porter, being fruit forward, while London-style porters are generally maltier, 6/10.

*According to, American black ale, also referred to as a Black IPA (India Pale Ale) or Cascadian Dark Ale, range from dark brown to pitch black and showcase malty and light to moderate roasty notes and are often quite hoppy generally with the use of American hops.

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