January 10, 2012

New Holland - Cabin Fever Brown Ale

Next up is New Holland's Cabin Fever Brown Ale, purchased at Vintage Estates.

The label has a log cabin in the snowy woods with smoke coming out of the chimney - looks like a nice place to hibernate for the winter :) The beer has hints of rye, roast and raisin which mix with a subtle caramel sweetness. This should be paired with roasted meats, dried fruits, gruyere and smoked cheeses. it is 16 P and 6% ABV.

Overall average rating: 6.5/10

This pours a reddish brown with a carbonated caramel head. The aroma is of caramel, molasses, and a faint rye scent. The taste is very similar with flavors of caramel and malt with a side tongue bite and back of the tongue lingering.

Shawn- This beer gives a warming sensation, but it doesn't develop enough. I'm not a fan of the big hop finish, 6.5/10.
Angela- The finish is different with the hops with the caramelly malt flavor, but I don't get as much hop flavor as Shawn. It's a thick and good cold weather beer, 6.5/10.
Chris- This is a fairly thick brown ale, very fitting for the name, 6.5/10.

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