October 20, 2011

Moosehead Lager

With "Quality & Tradition" etched into the green glass, our next beer is Moosehead Lager purchased from Giant Eagle.

This beer is from Canada's oldest independent brewery, started in 1867. Susannah Oland, "the godmother of beer," brought her recipe for a brown October ale to Nova Scotia in 1865. The brewery survived two fires before her death, and then her sons took over the company. This lager specifically is the brewery's flagship beer and is a light and refreshing drink.

Overall average rating: 5.2/10

It pours a clear, straw/yellow color, and it is quite carbonated with no lacing. There is a thick white head that diminishes rather moderately, compared to some of the quickly diminishing heads we've encountered so far. There is a pungent wheat aroma with a hint of hop. It has a light, gentle wheat flavor with a slight front of the tongue bite. It is crisp without a lot of hop flavor - nothing overwhelming.

Shawn- It has a clean, refreshing taste - it's a middle of summer kind of beer. And, as we all know, it is better to drink a Moosehead than to give it *chuckles*, 5/10.
Angela- It is a good summer sessionable alternative to the domestic lights, 5/10.
Chris- It tastes better than the smell and is surprisingly light and refreshing, 5.5/10.

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