November 20, 2011

Stone - Oaked Arrogant Bastard Ale

"You're not worthy." ~ "The Arrogant Bastard would, would you?"

The next beer on our Western U.S. tour is Stone Oaked Arrogant Bastard Ale out of Escondido, California, purchased at Vintage Estates. (The Arrogant Bastard beers actually have their own website as well.)

The write up on the website is worth reading - very well-written, including "It is quite doubtful that you have the taste or sophistication to be able to appreciate an ale of this quality and depth." This beer is ale aged with American oak wood chips. The ingredients are "Nothing but the finest barley, most aggressive Hops, cleanest water, our proprietary yeast strain and abundant Arrogance... all with oak chips." I twas first released in November 2004, the IBUs are classified, and it is 7.2% ABV.

Overall average rating: 6.2/10

The appearance is red and translucent with an off-white carbonated head. The aroma is of oaked malt and citrusy hops. The hop aroma is more pungent than expected because of the oaked factor - it really tingles your nose but it is still not overwhelming. The taste hits all over the tongue, but primarily the sides and back. There is a lot of citrusy hop flavor as well as a pine needle finish. The hops seem to overpower whatever malt flavor there is.
Rex: The pine reminds me of hemlock.
Chris: Apparently I'm drinking poison.
Angela: Here's to you, Socrates! Cheers!

Shawn- "Hoppy doesn't make me happy." There is too much hop flavor for the subtle wood to be tasted - where did the oak go?! The oak should be a dominant flavor, but there is little to no wood (giggity), 6/10.
Angela- It is much too hoppy for me, and I would probably not drink it again, 5.5/10.
Chris- I like this because the citrus of the hops is more forward than their bitterness. There is a delicious blend of oaked hops. The amount of citrus in the taste and aroma becomes more pungent and apparent is aged products, 7/10.

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