November 14, 2011

Darwin Brewery - Original Flag Porter

Next up in our porter lineup is Darwin Brewery Original Flag Porter purchased at Vintage Estates.

This beer is imported from England and brewed with 1825 yeast salvaged from a sunken vessel (perhaps like the one on the label) in the English channel using an original 19th century recipe and does not have any artificial additives. (For the full history, read this.) This beer has won a gold medal, and it has been named as one of the 300 Beers to Try Before You Die. It is 5% ABV.

Overall average rating: 7.8/10

The appearance is almost opaque with a dark, rich brownish red color. It has a creamy off white head with lots of lacing. We find the aroma to be Mad Elf-ish, with a cheery scent, and the guys also smell banana. The taste is malty and smooth with a chocolate cherry finish as well as a coffee/chocolate flavor when you exhale. It is a little thin and reminds us more of a black IPA.

Shawn- The nose isn't that great, but the flavor is remarkable. You really have to sniff for the aroma, but it might be the most interesting, unexpected beer I've ever had in my life. It's like 3 beers in 1 as it develops in your mouth, 8/10.
Angela- It is extremely drinkable but not very thick. I like the way the flavor continues to change as you drink it. I also like that not all of the porters have a predominant coffee/chocolate flavor, 7.5/10.
Chris- The nose is subtle, and it doesn't smell like beer. It is a flavorful porter with a definite cherry and banana taste in the middle, 8/10.

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